Graduate Programs

MSS in Development Studies
The management of development has become complex and demanding. A successful development manager and practitioner has to be equipped with specialist knowledge in a whole range of subjects. These subjects include the ‘globalization’ of local issues as well as the ‘localization’ of global ones. The most important of these issues in Bangladesh today concern the interaction of state, market and civil society in the process of poverty alleviation. The courses have been designed to enable students to work as development managers in government organizations, multilateral and bilateral agencies, NGOs and private sector concerns. The Master’s Programme in Development Studies at the Department of   Social Sciences and Humanities in IUB prepares students to respond to the demands of the job market, advance their professional career and contribute effectively to the development of Bangladesh economy and society. In particular, they will be able to demonstrate to their current or potential employers that they posses:Specialized knowledge in different development issues:
Advanced professional skills in development related problem analysis, project design and project evaluation and monitoring; Ability for independent work as well as to work with others on complex development problems including sustainable livelihood and resource management issues;
Expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods; Experience in fieldwork; and Communication skill to disseminate key lessons from project implementation.

Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
Course Description
Tuition and Fee Policies
MSS Application Form